Friday, January 15, 2010

Open Letter To My Cousins

Dear Cousins,
I just want to thank you so much for all the fun we had together when I came to visit. All that snow stuff was fun, even though I hate mittens. I'm sorry for all the times I hit you when we had a hard time sharing, and I forgive you for all the times you hit me too. Thanks for teaching me so many new ways to get into trouble, it's come in really handy around here. Mom says it's good to share, but I'm glad I didn't share my croup with you, and my mom and dad are glad you didn't share your lice.
Please come visit anytime, we would have so much fun at the beach and at the park and in our small home; I'm pretty sure if we combined our forces, we could bring the place down.

(Transcribed faithfully via telepathy by my mommy)

Click image to biggify.


Belle of the Blues said...

Biggify. Nice!

Karen said...

I love Stellan poised for takeoff on the bed.

Karen said...

Whose drum set is that?