Subtitled "Oh What Do You Do In the Summertime?"
We're in the middle of a huge rainstorm here, which will probably last through the end of the week. Since this is just a teaser of what's to come during the rainy summer season, I thought I'd ask for some advice from the Blogosphere. What are some fun indoor options Stellan and I haven't considered yet? (Please note: we're not afraid of playing outside in the rain, but we have to have something to do during the other 10 hours of daylight.)
Please save us from boredom/tantrums of frustration from lack of fresh air.
I'd say pretend like it is winter, but since you hail from the land of eternal springtime you probably don't know what I mean. Here in AZ we have the same season reversal and we do a lot of play-doh and artsy stuff (or at least as artsy as I get). Brem loves to paint and read and stuff like that.
Oh, man. I feel your pain. We also do a lot of crafts and things. Other ideas include: having dance parties, playing sock basketball, blanket forts, baking, and having picnics inside. The library tends to feature more prominently as well. I like the website They have age-appropriate suggestions for crafts and games. This, to me, is the hardest part of motherhood. Bring on the dirty diapers and the 3 am feeding, just don't give me a bored toddler.
i remember Patti posting something involving the bathtub and an entire can of shaving cream.
Oh you people that live in warm weather :) i really like like Amanda. Just planning two ideas before you go to bed for the next day I find is so much easier for inside play if something doesn't work out.
I love the crafty crow- for kids craft ideas and for craft/educational ideas
Crafty crow had some rain art recently that was pretty cool. I think you color with markers on a piece of paper and then take it out in the rain and watch the colors run.
I got an extra crib mattress from Freecycle and I bring it out in the living room for the kids to jump/dance on. It stores easily under the futon in our kitchen. :) Good luck!
When I was little and it was a rainy day, my Grandpa would tape bedsheets along the ceilings to create hanging walls for a maze. (Although you need lots of spare sheets, and I realize not everyone has a freakishly huge collection of spare sheets like my G-rents do, hah.) He would put a prize in the winning spot, like a new video, and once we reached it we got to watch it! Whoever reached it first got control of the remote. :-)
OR, we used to pitch the tent inside and play camping. That kept us entertained for a loooong time!
We have lots of rain here (Y'all remember that). Forts. My boys love forts. Forts with blankets and beds and chairs and passages - the more elaborate the better. With little battery powered tea lights to light the corridors. They ran me all of 12 for 3 bucks at Walgreens.
Stories with play dough. Making the characters of a story with play dough (play-doh? do? doh!) kept Isaac busy for hours to and from Mexico and also during the rain in Guadalajara (he was 2 going on 3 then).
Crazy tables. Rice, shaving cream, get the picture. Lay down a tarp and let him go.
melissa has a really cool grandpa. i could never do this with my children's penchant for throwing sand...but i had a friend who kept a good sized rubbermaid container full of sand or rice. she'd lay an old shower curtain underneath in the kitchen and let her kids dig for stuff.
wow, a sheet maze with prizes!! cool.
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