Thursday, November 6, 2008

Here's the Catch

Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, it takes all the pleasure of staying home sick from work for the day. Curses; didn't see that one coming.


D said...

yeah and it really sucks when you are sick as I can attest to today.

Patrick and Leigh said...

Those are the days I am truly grateful for Baby Einstein, Nick Jr., and PBS Kids...and baby proofing. I hope you feel better!!

Usandthings said...

They should let you go to work when you are a sick mom. It seems only fair.

Unknown said...

It's kind of what online classes have done for my holidays. A day off from school just isn't the same when you don't actually go to class.

MM said...

Mom's are NEVER allowed a sick day! I've been so blessed though, I really haven't ever been too sick to care for my kids, I wasn't always happily taking care of my kids while sick but I've never been so laid up I couldn't do the job. Once Stephen was home when I was sick and I thought "Horray! I can BE SICK and lay in bed"....nothin doin, he sprained his wrist or something first thing in the morning and was USELESS to me! I was so peeved!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Carol is home with a soar throat today...and I'm between classes making a comment on the Cookie Jar. Daily dose of guilt duly doubled.

JHD said...

Ummm...sore throat. Tough as an alto she can soar...