Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Reverse Logic of Efficiency in a Toddler Home

What's the most inefficient way to clean a room in a child-free home? By grabbing 4 items, each from different rooms, putting them away one by one, and then returning for 4 more items from 4 different rooms.
What's the most efficient way to clean a room with a toddler around? By grabbing 4 items, each from different rooms, putting them away one by one, and then returning for 4 more items from 4 different rooms. That's because if you sneak into Room 1 with Item 1, he'll notice and track you into Room 1 to see what you did. That's when you slip into Room 2 with Item 2, which he won't see until you're leaving Room 2. Ever curious, the toddler will take this bait for at least half an hour. Trust me.


Patrick and Leigh said...

EXACTLY!!!! Sometimes I feel like a hamster-in a wheel.

Flem said...

Wow I didn't know that there WAS an efficient way to clean with a toddler. Will have to try that strategy.

krissiecook said...

Let's be clear - I didn't say "the efficient" way, I said "most efficient" way.