Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Guess I Misjudged

While Stellan was napping the other day, Rachelle and I were playing, doing housework, cleaning up and generally having a good time. She started getting a little cranky just as I had to start on dinner, so I figured we could multitask; she could eat while I was cooking. So I popped her in the high chair with some Cheerios and started to work. Two minutes later I turned around and this is what I saw. Oops - tired and hungry sound a lot alike sometimes. Sorry, Rachelle.


Jefe said...

Not giving your child a pillow. Isn't that child abuse? hahahaha

deannah said...

LOVE it. Our kids have both done that too and it just cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

Krissie, you always say, "Rachelle is a wonder baby," Now you have proof!


Heidi McLeod said...

that's so funny!

cHelsEy N mOrgAN said...

she's getting so big! cute pic :D