Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Heart Cousins

Stellan is cousin-deprived, living thousands of miles away from any of his. But he loves them, and he got to see them while we were in California. They were obviously very cute together, and of course it's super fun to watch my brothers and sisters as parents. (They are all very good at it.)
Also fun was to watch my Uncle Rob's boys play with my son. You see, Uncle Robbie is only 9 years older than me, so when I was a kid at family parties, we would hang out because he was a kid too. Now his boys are a few years older than my son, and they play with Stellan like Robbie played with me.
I had an amazing déjà vu experience after Christmas dinner. Riley (age 10) said to Stellan, "Do you know how to put candles out with your finger? You gotta lick it like this..." And suddenly I remembered the Christmas I was 6 years old and Uncle Robbie was explaining the same thing to me. Family is awesome.
Please enjoy this slideshow devoted to cousins.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Krissie, your blog posts are wonderful.