Monday, June 28, 2010

Rachelle Q & A

Q: How did you decide on her name?
A: We just like the name Rachelle. We've both known several Rachelles in our lives and liked every one of them, but we've noticed that the name itself seems to have fallen out of fashion. Well, we're bringing it back. Her middle name, Beverly, was my grandmother's name. My grandma was a very special lady and I miss her a lot. I hope the name rubs off on my daughter and imbues her with some of my grandma's super powers.

Q: How is Stellan doing with a little sister?
A: Pretty well. He's adjusting to having less Mommy and Daddy time, and having Grandma Cook here has helped. He's sometimes extra moody, but so far he hasn't taken it out on Rachelle. He is very sweet and loving to her. We're working on boundaries for affection-showing. Like not grabbing her while she's sleeping, not suddenly giving up on holding her without informing the watchparent, etc.

Q: How is she doing?
A: Great! She is a champion eater, and has slept for at least 5 hour stretches almost every night. Her temperment seems to be very different from her brother's, which, at this stage anyway, is a huge relief. Did I mention she sleeps? Stellan didn't; he would sleep maybe a total of 6 hours in any given 24 hour period, but only 45 minute spurts. And he spent the rest of the time eating or screaming his lungs out.

Q: How are you doing?
A: Great! Apparently delivering a baby on the smaller side of 9 pounds is much easier than delivering a baby on the smaller side of 10 pounds. I'm recovering much faster and feel generally pretty good. Oh, and I love being a "new" mommy again. I'm totally in love with this girl and just stare at her for hours. I love the way she looks, the way she smells, the way she slumps, the way she goes cross-eyed when she pees (Stellan did this at her age too) and especially the way she sometimes squeaks just before she burps.

Q: When are more pics coming?
A: Probably tomorrow. It will be worth the wait.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Congrats! I am so out of it that I didn't even know you had the little cutie! I like the name Rachelle too. Funny, I just met another Rachelle two weeks ago! Can't wait to see the new pictures!