Saturday, March 30, 2013

In Which We Visit the Renshaws in Baton Rouge

Since relocating to the South, we've felt somewhat isolated from friends and family outside our local community. Our families are thousands of miles away, and any other Southern (in heritage or location) pals are also a good day's drive away. So we were excited when a family we knew in Santa Barbara moved to Baton Rouge. Only 5 hours away, the Renshaws became our nearest out-of-town friends.
So naturally we felt the need to invade them. Their sons are close to Stellan and Rachelle's ages; in fact, Stellan and Carter were babies together in SB. So we invited ourselves over for a weekend.
We had a great time exploring the swamp (this was a truly Southern excursion), at the playground (where Stellan first learned to swing himself), picnicking outside the temple, visiting the Louisiana Art & Science Museum, snacking on the banks of the Mississippi River, and playing in the yard. Kevin was also introduced (somewhat trepidatiously) to vegan food. Mad props to Hilary for winning him over. (To put it in perspective, his mother says that Kevin is living proof that you can live to adulthood without ever eating a vegetable.)
Tyler and Hilary, thanks so much for having us! We had so much fun with your family, and it was nice to share our common experience as strangers in a strange land. We anxiously await hosting you here soon!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Intrepid Comet Hunters

As the Stay-At-Home Momstronomer, I've been very busy trying to show anyone and everyone Comet Pan-STARRS. The Emerald Coast Science Center arranged to have me come to a public viewing on the dock outside the center. Tragically, no one came. Even more tragically, the comet had moved so far north that it wasn't visible for more than a moment or two before it disappeared behind the high-rise condos.
Luckily, my family is very supportive and came along. The cometwatching was a bit disappointing, but evening adventures are always a welcome treat to my kids.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy Birthday, Annie!

My sweet Annie is one year old. She is such a funny little girl. Annie is very independent much of the time, but she balances that by regularly shunning anyone but her mom and dad, whom she clings to regularly for reassurance, comfort and the occasional snack. If you don't spend much time with her, you probably don't know her very well. She is very guarded around strangers, but showers her family with copious grins, of both the sweet and the troublemaking variety. She is into everything anyone ever leaves out, especially if she thinks it's edible.
We love her so much and we have enjoyed this first year of her life so much. You make us so proud and happy, Anniecakes! Keep it up, big girl.